Monday 10 November 2008

listened with their ears

The chief of the village sent runners to other villages, inviting everyone to come and hear

the stories. They brought gifts of food and clothing for Crow to thank him. A beautiful

young woman came and sat by him every time he spoke. She listened to every story. Many

seasons passed. Crow stayed in the village and married the young woman.

When he had shared all the stories with the people of the village and its neighbours, Crow

and his wife left and travelled to other villages further away, to tell the stories.

Eventually they came to the first village where he had lived before. The people didn’t

recognise him in his fine clothes and with his beautiful wife.

The village chief welcomed them, inviting them to sit by the fire and share their food. Crow

told his stories. The people listened with their ears and their hearts.

Crow told them, “You must not forget the stories and legends. You must pass them on to your

children and your grandchildren, and they must pass them onto theirs. We can never again

forget the stories and their wisdom.”

And that is how it has been from that day to this. The stories from Grandfather Stone have

been handed down from generation to generation and storytellers are still honoured today by

those who listen.

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